The TBF and CBF have a new sponsor…TH Marine. TH Marine has a large catalog of great products we all use on our boats and for fishing. The good news is we get a HUGE discount. If you want a TH Marine product, contact Scott Sweet at for details. To see their products, visit
Feb 02
Announcing TH Marine as a TBF sponsor!!
Oct 16
Announcing the TBF National Semi Finals Qualifiers!
ALL NSF Qualifiers:
To receive your benefits, you must sign up for the NSF as soon as possible. You should pay your entry fee on your own. When you arrive at the TBF NSF event, you will receive the cash you are entitled to at the NSF pairings meeting.
Oct 07
2017 CBF Annual Board Meeting
We will be having the 2017 CBF Annual Board meeting on Wednesday, October 11 in the evening at 6:30pm. All members are welcome to join.
123 Selkirk Ranch Rd.
Angels Camp, CA
Contact Archie Steele for more information.