Tour – Upload

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Upload Results

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It is easy to upload your results.

  1. Login using the credentials provided by the webmaster.
  2. Hit “Choose File” and select the Upload-R<region #> file on your computer to upload.  Click Upload.  For example, if your region is Region 1, the filename is Upload-R1.
  3. Clear any errors that are noted.  When the upload is successful, you will see all your data.  Scroll to the bottom and click Submit.

Key things to remember:

  1. Filename must be called Upload-R<region #>.csv.  Create it using Excel and save the file as a Windows .csv file.
  2. File content rules:
    1. All fields must be filled in.  Numeric fields must have a number or a 0.  Names have to have the proper spelling.  Avoid extra spaces and periods.
    2. Region ID: <region #>.  This is the number for the region you are uploading.
    3. Tourn ID: 1-4 (For each of your 4 tournaments).
    4. Date field must be mm/dd/yyyy.  Use Excel to change the formatting of the date column. 
    5. Be sure the D2 and D3 columns have 0s.
    6. Make sure your total results on the far right matches your D1 results.
  3. Remember people’s names have to be exactly the same for each tournament.  
  4. Check the results/standings to be sure the information is correct.  Check people’s names to see they are getting credit for all their tournaments.  
  5. Standings: If you see the same person with only one tournament on multiple rows, check the spelling of the name on your upload.  You probably have a typo.
  6. The file is a running file for the entire year.  You simply add the next tournament to the bottom of the spreadsheet and upload the entire file.
