Tour – Rules

California Bass Federation Tournament Rules

California Bass Federation Rules 2025

January 1, 2025

  1. RULE CHANGES: Great effort, study and research have gone into the formulation of these rules. The following rules of this tournament will remain unchanged, except for special tournaments conducted by the California Bass Federation, Inc., (hereby referred to as CBF). Interpretation and enforcement of these rules shall be left exclusively to the Tournament Director. In the event of a rule violation, the Tournament Director may impose such sanctions, as he deems appropriate, including, without limitation, disqualification, forfeiture of prizes and prohibition from participation in subsequent tournaments. The decision of the Tournament Director and tournament officials shall be final in all matters.


  1. PARTICIPANTS AND ELIGIBILITY: This tournament is open only to members of the CBF who 16 years of age are or older and who are active members of CBF/TBF affiliated chapters. Proof of age to the satisfaction of tournament officials is the responsibility of the potential competitor. CBF will be hosting Angler/Co-Angler format, where they will be competing against their own divisions. DURING THE OFFICIAL PRACTICE AND COMPETITION DAYS OF ANY CBF TOURNAMENT EACH CONTESTANT MUST CARRY DOCUMENTED PROOF OF A MINIMUM OF $100,000 BOATING LIABILITY INSURANCE AND PRESENT IT TO ACBF TOURNAMENT OFFICIAL IF ASKED. Any candidate for competition who, in the judgment of the Tournament Director, is handicapped in such a manner as to unfairly hinder his partner or endanger the safety and well-being of his partner or himself shall not be eligible. A PROPERLY COMPLETED AND SIGNED OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR ON OR BEFORE THE APPLICATION DEADLINE DATE. THE DEADLINE DATE FOR EACH TOURNAMENT SHALL BE ON THE MONDAY, BY 6:00PM, PRECEEDING THE DATE OF THE TOURNAMENT.  THE LAST BOATER/CO-ANGLER ENTRY RECEIVED WILL BE THE FIRST TO GO HOME. For a region to host a tournament, there must be at least 12 anglers, or the tournament will be cancelled, NO EXCEPTIONS. Awards for “Angler of the Year” are based on an average of 18 anglers for all four tournaments. The California Bass Federation reserves the right to refuse entry to a tournament at any time.  California Bass Federation is not responsible for refunding of any option money paid before the event.


  1. PRE-TOURNAMENT PRACTICE: There will be a 2-calendar day practice period immediately preceding the first day of the tournament. The tournament waters shall not be off limits to competitors preceding the tournament. During official practice, (2 days prior to tournament), and during the tournament, a competitor may not have the assistance or advice of anyone for the purposes of locating bass, nor enter the tournament waters with anyone for the purposes of locating bass, a professional guide, state or federal wildlife agency employee, or any other person deemed a “local expert” (If they have ever fished a tournament for money on that body of water, they are an “expert.”) on these tournament waters by the Tournament Director, unless he is a contestant in the tournament.  A member of the immediate family may fish during official practice days provided they have never been deemed a local expert, retired or otherwise, as described above. An immediate family member includes father, mother, spouse, child or in-laws by marriage.  A person may enter and participate in other tournaments sanctioned on the water during the practice period. During the official practice and during the tournament, a competitor may not “SKIN DIVE” or “SCUBA DIVE” on the tournament waters. Each competitor agrees to report to the Tournament director any violation or infraction of these Tournament Rules. The failure to report violations or suggestions to violate these Rules, or false verification of weigh-in forms will be cause for disqualification. EACH COMPETITOR AGREES TO SUBMIT, BY HIS SIGNATURE ON THIS DOCUMENT, TO A TEST SHOULD HE BE ACCUSED OF ANY RULE VIOLATION. The administration and interpretation of the test shall be solely the responsibility of the Tournament Director, and his agents, and shall be used (or not used) at the discretion of the Tournament Director. Without limiting the foregoing, the Tournament director shall have sole discretion to select the place at which such test shall be administered, the individual who administers such test, and the scope of the questions which may be asked during such tests The Participant shall be available, at his expense, at the location selected by the Tournament Director and shall cooperate in all respects with such examination.


  1. SAFETY: Safe boat conduct must be observed at all times by tournament competitors. During the official practice and the tournament, each competitor is required to wear a Coast Guard approved chest-type life preserver. This preserver must be worn anytime the combustion engine is operating. This preserver must be strapped, snapped and zippered securely, and seated in the proper seats and maintained in that condition until the competitor reaches his fishing location and the combustion engine is shut off. Violation of this rule shall be reason for disqualification. The Tournament Director has the right to delay or cancel the start of an official tournament day because of bad weather or other factors that would endanger the safety of the competitors. Tournament waters may also be restricted at any time because of bad weather.


  1. SPORTSMANSHIP: Competitors in CBF tournaments are expected to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, safety and conservation. Any infraction of these fundamental sporting principles may be deemed cause for disqualification. Use of alcohol or drugs (other than those purchased over the counter or prescribed by a licensed physician) by any competitor during the official practice or during the tournament will not be tolerated and shall be cause for automatic disqualification from this and all future CBF tournaments. Maximum courtesy must be practiced at all times, especially with regard to boating and any line in the vicinity of non-competitors who may be on tournament waters. Any act of a competitor which reflects unfavorably upon the Society’s effort to promote fisheries conservation, clean waters, and courtesy shall be reason for disqualification. Any boater who fails a Quagga Mussel Inspection will be disqualified and forfeits their entry and options fees as well as all points.  Any non-boater affected by a Quagga Mussel disqualification will receive a full refund and still receive their 10 show up points, at the tournament directors’ discretion. No alcoholic beverages or drugs (other than those purchased over the counter or prescribed by a licensed physician) shall be allowed in the boats during the official practice or competitions days or when in the weigh-in area until after all activities for weigh-in are completed. Chemical substance addiction or abuse, conviction of a felony or other crimes involving moral turpitude, or other conduct reflecting unfavorably upon the CBF’s efforts to promote safety, sportsmanship and compliance with tournament rules shall be grounds for rejecting any application for participation and for disqualification. During the tournament, a competitor may not use a CB radio, a VHF marine band radio, a cellular phone, or any other type of communications device for the purpose of locating or catching fish. Contestants are permitted to transmit by radio or telephone only in the event of an emergency. If so equipped, contestants may listen to the marine band weather information. The use of all video equipment is not permitted during the event.


  1. TACKLE AND EQUIPMENT Only artificial lures may be used. No “live bait” or “prepared bait” will be permitted, with the exception of pork strips, rinds, etc. Only ONE casting, spin casting or spinning rod (8ft maximum length from butt of handle to rod tip) and reel may be used at any one time. All other types prohibited. Other rigs as specified above may be in boat ready for use; however, only ONE is permitted in use at any given time. All bass must be caught live and in a conventional sporting manner. ANYONE GUILTY OF SNATCHING OR SNAGGING FISH WILL HAVE THEIR DAYS CATCH DISQUALIFED. When visually fishing for all bass, all bass must be hooked inside of the mouth and must be verified by your partner before unhooked to be counted as a legal fish. Nets may be used to boat bass and are permitted in the boat at any time. The use of grippers in landing bass is prohibited.


  1. BOAT AND MOTOR: For the safety of all contestants. ALL BOATS MUST NOT EXCEED B.I.A. RATINGS ALL BOATS MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH SOME TYPE OF OPERABLE IGNITION KILL SWITCH. This ignition kill device must be attached to the driver’s body any time the combustion engine is operating. Anytime the combustion engine is operating and in gear, there must be a driver in the driver’s seat in full control of the boat. Fishing boats may be used that are 15 feet or more in length. Any raised platform or decks cannot be higher than the gunnel of the boat. A small electric trolling motor may be used for slow maneuvering. Trolling as a method of fishing is prohibited. ALL BLADDER tanks and any other type of gas tanks that are not installed by the boat manufacturer are prohibited. Additional gas tanks that are factory options and installed by a manufacturer authorized dealer are legal. Boats that do not have factory installed gas tanks are restricted to a maximum of 18 gallons of gasoline in tanks that meet U.S. Coast Guard regulations. Gas tanks must be properly secured or strapped in a boat. NO “barges” or similar cumbersome craft will be permitted. NO BOAT EQUIPPED WITH “STICK STEERING” SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE USED DURING THE OFFICIAL PRACTICE OR DURING TOURNAMENT BY ANY COMPETITOR. The Tournament Director shall make the definition of “stick steering”. Boaters are responsible to have a back seat for use by their Co-Angler is they ask.


  1. BASIC BOAT EQUIPMENT: Every boat must have all required Coast Guard safety equipment. In addition, it must have a functional bilge pump and LIVEWELL SPACE, PROPERLY AERATED TO ADEQUATELY MAINTAIN ALIVE A LIMIT OF BASS BY BOTH FISHERMEN USING THE BOAT. The Tournament Director shall have the sole responsibility for determining whether aeration and capacity is “proper and adequate.”


  1. REGIONAL EVENT BOAT OPERATION AND EXPENSE: Boaters will fish from the front deck only.  Co-Anglers will fish from the back deck/seating area only.  Boater must have a rear seat for the Co Angler to use if they choose so.  Boaters will have complete control of boat operation and waters to be fished.  For safety concerns, in the event of a breakdown or an emergency, Co-Anglers may operate the trolling motor or the outboard but may not fish anytime from the front deck.  Boaters may NOT request the Co-Angler not fish.  Any Boater that, in the judgment of the officials, operates the boat in such a manner that unfairly handicaps their Co-Angler and any Co-Angler who unfairly handicaps their Boater may be disqualified.   The Co-angler must pay half the day expenses (gas and oil); if not he/she could lose that days catch.


  1. PERMITTED FISHING LOCATIONS: Contestants must not depart the boat to land fish or to make the boat more accessible to fishing waters. Boats must remain in tournament waters during tournament days. Contestants must leave and return to official checkpoint by boat. In the event of a needed restroom break, contestants can leave the boat upon which all fishing must cease temporarily. Both competitors must always remain in boat except in case of dire emergency or previously mentioned restroom break. In case of an emergency, competitors may be removed from their boat to a boat operated by another competitor, or a rescue boat. If after the emergency is resolved by tournament officials and enough time is left for the competitors to resume fishing, a RESTART will be allowed, and the competitors will continue, and their catch will be counted. This applies only to dire emergency situations. During the event of a breakdown one angler can bring in one, or both anglers catch, only by way of another competitor’s boat. Any anglers catch removed and brought to the scales in another boat must do so in TWO separate bags. No “pinning” of separate catches in 1 bag. If only 1 bag is available only 1 catch can be brought. If 2 catches are brought in 1 bag, both catches will be forfeited. A cease fishing for the day takes effect immediately once one or both anglers leave the boat to weight their catch. During that time, any angler handling of 2 separate catches must remain in near sight of another competitor, otherwise both catches will be disqualified. The tournament director or a tournament official, if possible, should be made aware of any breakdowns prior. If a competitor must violate any of the above conditions (contact a tournament official by phone or other means or to report an emergency or breakdown), both competitors must cease fishing at this point, and their catch must be verified by a tournament official in order to be counted in the tournament. Partners must always remain together, in sight of each other and each other’s catch under the conditions cited above, for their catch of that day to be scored in the tournament. Trailering of boats during tournament hours is prohibited, except by the direction of tournament officials.



  1. OFFICIAL CHECKPOINT: There shall be only one official point for checkout in the morning, and check-in in the afternoon and this point shall be designated at the tournament briefing, and entree forms for am check-in times. At the time of check-out, all competitors and their boats shall be in full conformance with all rules set forth by the Tournament Director; at check-in, all boats shall identify themselves by means of the numbered buttons and proceed immediately to the designated weigh-in area. Partners must stay together, and buttons must be turned in at check-in.


  1. SCORING: Tournament standings, auxiliary awards and final winners shall be determined by the pound and fractions there of weight of each competitor’s catch during the competition days of the tournament. Boater/Co-Anglers will be competing for their own awards. Only Largemouth bass, Spotted bass, Red Eye bass or Smallmouth bass will be weighed. The limit shall be 5 of the above species and varieties per day in a Draw circuit, unless the prevailing state limit is less than 5, or a special limit is established for a particular tournament by the tournament officials, in which case the state limit, or special limit, shall be the tournament limit. All competitors are bound by the prevailing statutes and regulations of the various states within which they fish. At no time will a competitor have in their possession more than the prescribed limit. Tournament officials will conduct checks for violation of this provision, and in the event a competitor has more than the above-described limits in possession, the competitor shall be disqualified. The official length for bass shall be determined by the Tournament Director and announced at the Tournament Briefing. In most cases, it will be the longest state limit covering the tournament waters. Only bass as described above which measure the official length or more on the longest straight line, shall be weighed in. Bass presented for weigh-in which fail to measure the official length shall accrue penalties at the rate of 1 pound of each such bass. This penalty shall be deducted from the total score of the competitor. Any bass that appears to have been mangled, mashed, mauled or otherwise altered will be weighed and credited only at the discretion of tournament officials. After a competitor checks in at the official checkpoint, he MUST present all LEGAL fish in his possession to a tournament official to be counted measured and weighed. Once a competitor’s catch is handed to a tournament official to be measured, counted and verified that contestant may not return to his boat and that will be their catch for the day. Bass must not be stringered at any time during the tournament. It has been determined that stringering decreases the chances of a bass survival, and bass thus handled may be disqualified. Specially designed bags which increase survival rate will be furnished by the Tournament Director, and these bags must be used for the weigh-in. Fish will be measured using a FLAT BOARD, hanging mouth open @ 45-degree angle, Minimum length 13″, and we will fan the tail. The Tournament Director may change the size limit to accommodate special lake or water regulations.


  1. DON’T KILL YOUR CATCH: Each competitor is expected to keep his bass alive by use of a properly aerated live well. The few bass, which do not survive, will be used for scientific study and for charity. Live well checks will be done by the Co-Angler.


  1. PENALTY POINTS: For each legal dead bass presented to weigh-ins officials, the competitor shall be penalized the following, to be a half of a pound penalty (.50 or 8 ounces). There is no CULLING of dead fish. The Tournament Director or his designees shall have sole authority for assessing penalty points. If a participant’s big fish is weighed in dead that participants will not qualify for big fish option payout, big fish weight will also reflect the .50-pound weight penalty. The Tournament Director and his designated appointees shall have sole authority for accessing penalty points.


  1. LATE PENALTY: Competitors who are not in the official checkpoint area as described in Rule 12 at the appointed time shall be penalized at the rate of 1 pound per minute to be deducted from the total weight of his catch that day, including any weight to be counted toward a “lunker award,” for each one (1) minute he is late. Any competitors more than 15 minutes late shall lose all credit for that day’s catch. There, shall be no excuse for tardiness and in no case shall a competitor be allowed to make up “lost time.” After proper recognition at the check-in point, competitors will be allowed ample time to proceed to the weigh-in site; however, all fishing must cease upon check-in. After the tournament begins, fishing the tournament waters is prohibited except during the tournament hours. Exact starting and check-in times will be announced at the Tournament Briefing and on entry forms for early check in times.


  1. TIES: In case of a tie the following tie breakers will be used in order: 1. The individual with the largest number of legal fish weighed in during the competition; 2. Individual with the largest number of legal LIVE fish weighed in during the competition; 3. Individual with the largest bass; 4. In the unlikely event that after the tiebreakers are employed, then a flip of a coin will be used to determine the winner. The winner of the coin toss will take the higher position and will be rewarded the money and points. Ties for lesser positions shall be resolved by means selected by the Tournament Director.


  1. PAIRING OF CONTESTANTS: Tournament directors will attempt to assign Two contestants to each boat. Contestants without a partner WILL fish solo but will have their live well checks by tournament Directors.  Announcement of your fishing partner shall be made at the Tournament Briefing, which MUST BE ATTENDED by each competitor. It shall be the responsibility of each partner to appear at a mutually agreed upon location with sufficient time remaining to check out at the official checkpoint and start on time. Tournament officials shall have no responsibility for finding missing partners. The Tournament Director, at his sole discretion, may reassign partners prior to the morning take-off. It is suggested that a minimum of 30 minutes is required for preparation to depart to the checkout point. When two contestants check out at the beginning of the day, they must stay together and within sight of each other and each other’s catch throughout the day until the weigh-in is completed except in case of dire emergency (See Rule 11). In a draw circuit, a contestant must not allow any bass caught by him to be counted on the score of another contestant. In such a case, both contestants shall be disqualified from this tournament and from all future tournaments conducted by The Bass Federation


  1. None of the above rules shall prohibit a properly designated tournament official from approaching or boarding any competitor’s boat at any time during the “warm-up” period or the competition days.


  1. PATCHES AND/OR SIGNAGE: CBF encourages the use of patches, logos and other signage to promote sponsors. Realizing we are entering into a television media field that MAY sometimes restrict the use of patches, logos, signage, etc. that promote or advertise products, CBF reserves that right to RESTRICT THE USE OF SUCH SIGNAGE in such tournaments with as much advance notice as possible to the contestants.


  1. State Championship NSF Qualification: Anglers must fish 4 out of 7 tournaments in a Region to qualify to fish in the NSF. Anglers fishing 7 tournaments in a region will have 3 throw out but will keep their show up points. The scoring is 10 show up points and 100 points for first place counting down one point per position (example, 110 for first, 109 for second, etc.). Each region will qualify 10 percent to the NSF (example, region has 400 anglers’ fish all 7 tournament then 10 percent would mean 40 anglers to the NSF 20 Anglers and 20 Co Anglers).  Angler of the year for each Region will be based on all 7 tournaments fished in that Region. There will be no throw out for the angler of the year award and the Region must average a minimum of 18 anglers per tournament to qualify an angler of the year to be awarded paid entry’s the following year.  AOY trophy’s will be provided to each angler in each region.


  1. TOC Boater/ Co-Angler Promotion: If there is an imbalance of boaters and co-anglers for the NSF, the State Tournament Director may choose to promote with-in the federation to balance out the field.


  1. CBF/TBF/NSF: The California Bass Federation National Semi-Finals will be a Boater/Co-angler event. The Boater will control all operations of the boat and trolling motor unless the co-angler has explicit permission from the boater or in the case of an emergency see Rule 9. The Boater will fish from the front of the boat only.  Co-anglers will fish from the back deck or seating area only. Any contestant who, in the judgement of the officials, operates the boat in such a manner as to unfairly handicap his/her partner shall be disqualified. The co-angler must pay half the day expenses (gas and oil); if not, he/she could lose that day’s catch.  TBF rules will apply at the NSF.


Boaters will compete amongst other boaters for their winnings/options and co-anglers will compete amongst co-anglers for their winnings/options.  Boater and Co-angler will compete for their own Big Bass option and will be paid for the largest bass caught.


  1. State Champion:  The State champion with be decided at the NSF, the Angler of the year from the North and South Regions will compete at the NSF and the highest finishing Angler and Co Angler with be the State Champion.


  1. All unspecified tournament rules will be superseded by the TBF and/or the MLF rules. All final rulings will be at the discretion of the Tournament Director.